Let’s take good red ginseng dietary supplements

We clarify how to find good red ginseng dietary supplements.

01Check the health supplement logo!

Does the red ginseng product you are taking have a Korea Health Functional Food logo on the left?
The “Health Functional Food” logo is totally different from typical healthy food stuffs; it is only available after thorough verification for efficacy and safety by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. Furthermore, it can only be applied to products manufactured by GMP certified facilities. The entire process is managed, including manufacturing, distribution, and sales, display advertisements, and adverse events.
For a ginseng product to be recognized as a health functional food, it must be manufactured using suitable ginseng or red ginseng. It must comply with the standard for specific ginsenosides content and must be manufactured by GMP-certified health functional food manufacturing facilities. Please don’t be confused with any products labeled as a red ginseng drink, candy, other processed good, etc., in the product type section on the back of the packaging which are not a health functional food.

02The contents are more important than the brand or which famous celebrity is advertising it!

Do you insist on only using well-known brands or products featured by famous celebrities?
The model fees, commercial shooting fees, commercial transmission fees paid to famous celebrities who appear on TV or in movies... We are all aware that marketing costs are incorporated into the product price. Like the saying that the most important thing is not very visible, the thing that is actually important is not the brand, celebrity, or advertisement but the health-beneficial value behind what you see on the outside, such as how much red ginseng the product contains, the percentage of active ingredients, which and how much supplementary material was used, etc. Good products always put a value on what’s inside, not focusing how it shows.
